Announcing jQuery Calx 2.x Lite edition

While developing the standard version of jQuery Calx 2.x, we add more and more features to the core, and import some features from another library to be integrated to the core. The most feature-set imported is formula from formula.js, until we realize that the raw codebase was sized ~300kb and the minified one is ~100kb when all feature is included. We realize that most user will not use all formula function available in jQuery Calx in their codebase, as the alternative, we are announcing the development of jQuery Calx 2.x-lite which only has some basic feature and most used formula [...]

By |2014-11-06T10:16:18+07:00November 6th, 2014|Categories: jquery-calx|0 Comments

jQuery Calx 2.0 finally released

After months of developments, and a year after the latest release, finally jQuery Calx 2.0 is now released. The core is rewritten from the scratch, but I feel it is still far from perfect. At the first time, we are planning to release it as closed source, but after long discussion with the team, I finally decided to release it as open-source plugin as we feel jQuery Calx will grow faster and more stable with support from the community. If you are interested in contributing to jQuery Calx development, here is the Github repo: You can fork it, and [...]

By |2017-05-17T19:57:19+07:00November 5th, 2014|Categories: jquery-calx|0 Comments
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