After months of developments, and a year after the latest release, finally jQuery Calx 2.0 is now released. The core is rewritten from the scratch, but I feel it is still far from perfect.

At the first time, we are planning to release it as closed source, but after long discussion with the team, I finally decided to release it as open-source plugin as we feel jQuery Calx will grow faster and more stable with support from the community. If you are interested in contributing to jQuery Calx development, here is the Github repo:

You can fork it, and start your work in the develop branch. For now, the script is divided into multiple part, and glued using simple php script, as I am not so familiar yet with modern and cool javascript development toolkit like bower or npm, and any javascript testing like mocha or qUnit.

If you are not an expert in javascript just like me, please feel free to open issues at the github issue tracker here:

Feedbacks and contributions are highly appreciated 🙂